Sunday, July 22, 2007


Its consciousness of my white consciousness,
Between the high and the low, in this night.
And melt the spirit; his mouth will distend
Yes. You'd want that said, (if you
Left and right, and far ahead in the dusk.
"Now it's my turn to sing!"
Dismal, endless plain—
Preface to the 1948 Edition
Along the walls are only empty niches,
Glimmering of light:
The edge of that other square cut from the right
III. Chronology of Northern Exploration
shaded by live oaks and bottlebrush trees
Silent patch of ultimate paint. You are
High on this surface, guarding the edge of Père
Are gliding toward me on the ice into
Left and right, and far ahead in the dusk.
In Winter Haven, the ballplayers are stretching

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